The GAMEBUDDZ: Our amazing new gaming console!

Everyone has a dream. Here at the Buttbuddz, our dream is to make a successful and revolutionary game console. We’d like to introduce everyone to our very own gaming device…

The Buttbuddz GAMEBUDDZ

Available in black, Subscribe-Button, Pepsi Blue, Garfield Orange, and Golden Banana.

So, what exactly does the GameBuddz play? Just about every game imaginable! The GameBuddz comes pre-loaded with over 3,000 games, to say nothing of the millions of other games compatible with it!

With the GameBuddz, you’ll never need another console again because of how just versatile our console is! (As it supports Atari/Amiga/CDi/Colecovision/Intellivision/Sega /NeoGeo/TurboGrafix-16/Odyssey/3DO/Commodore/Nintendo/And everything in between!)consoles2.png

The Gamebuddz comes with an impressive 16 GB Memory, a multi-language and multi-functional high-quality speaker, as well a built-in audio-and-visual recorder function so you can easily make a let’s play straight from the Gamebuddz itself. (And it can even connect directly to YouTube so you can upload your gaming experiences straight to your subscribers!)

Here’s footage of the Gamebuddz in action; just look at how well it plays PLATYPUS DUCK GAME. The Gamebuddz runs video games so incredibly well, it puts the most high-end gaming computers available to shame!


Of course, we’re not stopping at handhelds. If you’re gonna make consoles, you’ve gotta play with the big boys; that means you also have to make a home-held console, because home is one of the best places to play video games! Version 2 of our video game console will be releasing very soon; it’s much better than the first version, as we’re partnering with Pepsi to make it.

…Introducing, the GAMEBUDDZ PRO-PSI!

It also plays DVDs!

The Gamebuddz Pro-Psi is the best home console one could ever dream of owning; with it’s matt black (not to be confused with “matte black”) tunnel empty shell, mirror paint, aircraft-grade plastic frames, and our patented MANY CRYSTAL PEPSI TECHNOLOGY, there’s no reason to choose the Pro-Psi over it’s competition!

Xbox One? The Pro-Psi will make sure it’s an Xbox None. Nintendo Switch? After you get a Pro-Psi, you’ll be tossing it in a ditch. PS4? After buying the Pro-Psi you’ll just buy four more! Even the PC isn’t safe, as the Pro-Psi will make your games run and play as clearly as the Pep Sea itself! (And by extension, making it the most Fish-approved console on the entire market, too!)

To the first person that not only subscribed to us, but also purchased our consoles you just brought tears to our eyes. Tears of joy!

Thank you so much for your support we promise to continue our tech company and evolve it in the gaming world. After all, we’re just a couple of butts with a dream! rt5g

BUDDZCon: Our 2nd Anniversary Celebration!

Over the two years the Buttbuddz have existed, many YouTube videos have been made, and many subscribers have been gained. To celebrate our channel’s 2nd Anniversary, we’ll be holding the first ever BUDDZCon!

Yes, you read that correctly; BUDDZCon is our very own YouTube convention (located in Buttsburgh) that’s exclusively about the Buttbuddz, the best channel on the entire site. It will run from March 4th through March 4th (which was picked because it’s the release date of the hit video game Pepsiman), and it’s one party you will not want to miss!

To start off your BUDDZCon experience, everyone will have to attend the opening ceremony, in which Mr. Buttbuddz goes over the growth of our channel, and congratulates everyone for helping us get as far as we have. After all, without you -the subscribers and content-creators alike- The Buttbuddz would not be here today!

After the ceremony, you’re free to explore the convention center, and all of the fun events we have set up. Like panels? We’ve got plenty of them! Featured panels you’ll be looking forward to include (but aren’t limited to):

How To Make A Buttbuddz Top Ten

In this panel, you’ll get to witness the live creation of a Top Ten video, a staple of the Buttbuddz channel. One lucky audience member will have their suggestion for the Top Ten come to life, so be sure to bring in your best ideas!

Mr. Blobby’s Philosophy of Life

His philosophy of life will steer us through; There’s nothing in the world he cannot do, so that’s why Mr. Blobby is hosting his own panel; He knows he’ll show the world a thing or two!

07/27/1978 Live

The philosophical musings of John Blyth Barrymore are performed live for the first time, as he spends an hour discussing the significance of the Pipe Strip, a classic work of art among many Buttbuddz fans. (We promise, we won’t get a copyright claim for having him and the soundtrack of “Kundan” here.)

Anime Containment Panel

It was really hard to plan for BUDDZCon this year, and some of that was because the staff got into a heated argument over whether anime should be banned or not; This is the solution to that problem. …Honestly, we’re not sure what to actually do with this panel; you guys can discuss Moomin or something in it, we guess.

A visual representation of what that panel will probably be like…

Another fun, popular BUDDZCon activity is gaming, and naturally -like any gaming convention- we’ve got some video games set up for everyone to enjoy! Catch our gaming events to have lots of fun, and maybe even help make a Buttbuddz “Let’s Play” or two!

1:00 to 1:30 PM: let’s play a video game.
2:00 to 3:00 PM: Tower Unite Mini-Golf Tournament.
3:00 PM to 7:00 PM: Break Time. (Go take a nap, watch some shows, do whatever. Just don’t play any games.)
7:00 to 7:55 PM: wacky_races_v2 Race-Off. (All participants will randomly to teams RED/”Subscribe” and BLU/”Pepsi”)
8:00 PM to The Very End of BUDDZCon: Live “Let’s Play” Recording: Pepsiman(Which will eventually be posted on the Buttbuddz channel.)

Aside from panels and gaming, we’re also using the theater for Donkey Kong Country marathons and showing off the best of the Buttbuddz videos from the past two years, so you can check that out if you want.

Of course, all of these fun activities sound great, but there’s still one important question you’re about ready to ask us: How do I get into BUDDZCon anyways?

Well, aspiring guests, that’s why we have all sorts of tickets for all kinds of subscribers! From our budget “viewer” tickets, to our high-end “creator” type, there’s a ticket for anyone’s needs. (We also accept ticket payment in Buttcoin.)

“Hey Buttbuddz, what’s that Meet-and Greet Lottery you guys just mentioned?” Yeah, we’ll let you guys know about that, so don’t you worry about that.

Anyways, we hope that everybody attends BUDDZCon this year, and celebrates the 2nd Anniversay of the Buttbuddz with us! And remember to like, comment, and subscribe when you get there!

Introducing: Buttcoin

Hello Buttbuddz fans, today we at Buttbuddz HQ are very excited to introduce you a new business opportunity and a new way to support the Buttbuddz. Back in the old day the only way to support the Buttbuddz was to subscribe to the YouTube, like all our videos, bookmark the blog and donating to our Patreon and supporting our kickstarters, however Buttbuddz fans this will all change.

shiny !

We are honored to introduce the latest in block-chain cryptocurrency technology, the Buttcoin. “But what is a Buttcoin” you might scream out, waking up the neighborhood, but do not fret my friend I will tell all about the buttcoin.

A chart must mean this is legitimate!

As you can see, there are plenty of reasons of supporting Buttcoin. First off, it doesn’t cost money (except the 100 dollar fee to set up your wallet, of course) , but you earn it by being at home watching Japanese cartoons and playing video games. If that’s not easy money, then I don’t know what is. In fact, the true advantage of Buttcoin is that you don’t have to do anything! You will earn Buttcoins doing your favorite things, and then we will spend that Buttcoin for you! That’s right, don’t worry, lean back and relax and invest in Buttcoin today! Support the Buttbuddz! Subscribe!

Didn’t have a third buttcoin image, sorry

Disclaimer: Buttcoin might cause disruption in the bowels, damage your hearing and eyesight, cause significant disruption in your economy and Buttcoin might also cause diabetes, Alzheimer disease and death with improper use.

Why Not Writing Articles is the Future of Journalism

Hello Buttbuddz fans, you might have noticed it’s been a hecking long time since the last Buttbuddz article. Not to worry, because we at Buttbuddz HQ are not being lazy. We are just following the latest, hippest trends in journalism and article-writing. In case you missed the scientific studies and the trashy mainstream media coverage, we will write a bit about it.

You are… Seing… Mr. Buttbuddz…

To not write anything at all is the newest, freshest way to run a site. By not writing anything, you fuel the readers imagination. You might have guessed it, but this also eliminates the ‘fake news’ issue that has been plaguing the world of journalism lately. Without news, there will be no fake news so that’s one more world problem solved by the Buttbuddz.

A Buttbuddz Subscribers amazed reaction at the innovation of the buttbuddz

The Buttbuddz, as you might have guessed will be the first news source to update to this new way of journalism. No more will we write articles, but leave the articles up to your imagination. This, of course, includes this article. It does in fact not exist. It’s all in your head. Don’t forget to subscribe to the Buttbuddz for great videos, and also bookmark and visit every day so you can imagine new articles you are reading, like the upcoming Goof Troop review.

The elephant is pleased with your dedication to the Buttbuddz

Introducing Buttbuddz.Club: Our Very Own Super Community!

September 18th, two days ago, marked our one-and-a-half year anniversary, and we’re still here; We’ve been through a whole lot of good, bad, and completely average times, but most importantly it’s been so long, we’ve MADE OVER 200 VIDEOS together. And now is a crucial time in the Buttbuddz’s lifespan where we decide if we watch it all fade away, or come together like NEVER before.

Introducing BUTTBUDDZ.CLUB, The Buttbuddz’s very own super community, which is much better than a normal, run of the mill Youtube-and-blogging community!

Aside from our already existing Buttbuddz Youtube channel and Butt with a Blog, we’ll be adding a new forum and subreddit to our empire of websites! The forum is of course,, and our subreddit is r/buttbuddz. These two newest additions are active, fun places where you can discuss anything and everything Buttbuddz! (Did we mention they’re also ACTIVE!?)

We also have other themes aside from our main one, such as ” Pepsi“, “Fish’“, “Crystal Coconut“, and our favorite theme full of eye-fun, “ButtTown!

If you already have a YT channel or blog, you can also merge with us! Yeah, that’s right; If you can prove you own an officially-supported YouTube channel or blog, we’ll support you, whether you want to be a part of us or not!*

(*Gift only applies to select communities such as the late Toontastic, and maybe a few other places.)

We’re also sprouting the first real Buttbuddz streaming network, The ButtTeam. (Located at for those of you who want to check it out!)

You’ll be able to join our network of streamers in mere seconds, just as long as you have a Twitch channel, and are willing to have our lovely Buttbuddz logo clearly visible on your stream at all times! Then we’ll add your stream to our official ButtTeam page that consists of multiple Twitch streams going off at once, which is definitely easy for your web browser to handle, and the page itself isn’t a security risk at all!

If your stream doesn’t look like this, you’re not allowed to stream! [Not Pictured: Our streaming site, because it’s currently down.]
With our new super community, we expect to enter a new, exciting era of The Buttbuddz! Break through the haze and confusion to see our true potential, and join our Buttbuddz Super Community today! (Or else!)

Why Cboyardee is the Most Important Man on the Internet

Cboyardee, also known as Chef Boyardee. A name not often heard today, but back in the day he was known as memelord 1#. In fact, the modern internet has a lot to owe to this man, shrek memes, MS Paint videos and great video games. Let’s take a closer look.

Cboyardees most important work.

First, let’s take a look at Cboyardees most popular, but not most influencal work, Dilbert 2. It’s MS-Paint aesthetics are known across the world for it’s quality and artsyness, and the video remains popular despite Cboyardees original channel being deleted by YouBrute. Despite being a popular video, it hasn’t influenced the world as much as it’s sequel, Dilbert 3.

Is Dilbert 3 more important than Dilbert 2?!?

You see, Dilbert 3 introduced the world to robocop.mp3, a remix of the theme song for Robocop for the commodore 64 or something. This great remix would rather become the theme song for clowns in Space Station 13.

Yeah that’s right, without Cboyardee we wouldn’t have this most excellent tune.

And while you see, the Dilbert videos are popular and well known, Cboyardee has done a lot more for the internet, too much for one article, so I am going to mention two more groundbreaking achievements of his.

Cboyardee invented Shrek memes. Yeah that’s right, long before “Shrek is love, Shrek is life”,  Cboyardee created the classic “Shrek is NOT Drek” video, and also a daily series of Shrek themed jokes and even a let’s play of Shrek on the GBA. So if you enjoy Shrek related memes, remember to thank Cboyardee.

But now my good friends, we will look at Cboyardee‘s greatest achivement. A complete, classic vidcon enjoyed by childs all over the world. I am of course talking about the everylasting classic of  vidcon, it is BARKLEY SHUT UP AND JAM GAIDEN!

Yeah that’s right, Cboyardee was one of the devs and also the composer of this classic vidcon. If that doesn’t make you an important man on the internet, then I don’t know what will. And despite the fact his YouTube was purged long ago, you can still find Cboyardee hidden on the internet, working on Barkley 2 which will come out in the year 20XX, and you’re very exited for it.

But now I have to go, I have some b-ballin’ to do. I am very grateful to live in a world where b-ball isn’t outlawed, so byebye.

Why Funny Faces Are Essential to the Success of an Anime

An art style can make or break an anime; For example, an art style with a superb use of color theory can enhance an anime, but one with a complete lack of understanding anatomy would absolutely ruin it. However, there’s one element of an anime’s art that stands above all the others, ready to wreck devastation onto the animes that don’t use it: We’re, of course, talking about the funny faces.

Anime fans everywhere know that funny faces are a staple and a signifier of a good show; These expressions are an indicator that you’re in for a good time, whether you’re watching the anime itself or just simply posting about it online. It’s basically telling its viewers “Are you ready for fun? Because it’s time to have fun!” After all, who doesn’t like to have fun?

There’s a reason why we use Sailor Moon the most out of the three pillars of Comica approval.

To start our analysis of why funny faces are pivotal to successful anime, we’ll have to go back to anime’s humble beginnings: Anime originally started in the 1910s, much like many other cartoon industries from around the world. Not unlike the rest of the world, Japan was following in the same footsteps as everyone else: They took up sound when it was invented, they took up making animated feature films when they realized they could do that, they then— Well, you get the idea already.

Predictably, this would lead Japan to follow in the footsteps of western animation companies such as Disney and Fleischer Studios, and become inspired by their expressive characters. In fact, Japan liked them enough, Fleischer Studios even sent Betty Boop over there to perform once!

…That, and the fact that Donald Duck basically invented modern anime/manga. How could we ever forget about his influence on anime?

Pictured: Osamu Tezuka (And his character, Mighty Atom/Astro Boy) wishing Donald a happy new year!

While anime characters have always been expressive due to their traditionally-cartoony roots, another element would later come into play of the effectiveness of funny faces: Reaction images.

You see, all of these animation companies made sure to consider the classical principle of “emoticons” in their work. Dating back to a simple drawing of a smiley face in 1653, emoticons were instantly incorporated into animation to help make their characters easier to draw (especially repeatedly) than having to draw realistic human faces for nearly every frame.

However, it wouldn’t be until 1982 that the idea of emoticons being used digitally was taken into consideration. As the internet and other digital mediums grew, people began to develop new kinds of emoticons to use in their communication, such as smilies, sideways emoticons, kaomoji, emojis like the ones in The Emoji Movie, -and of course- using gifs/pictures of shows to express one’s feelings. Naturally, anime funny faces ended up being a common occurrence among all of the gifs and pictures people used.

This is only a small sample of the many, many anime reaction faces out there. (Admittedly, -aside from the left column, and one or two other ones- these are all kinda lame…)

Meanwhile, back in the anime industry, all of the companies were starting to notice that images of their show’s funny faces were starting to be posted nearly everywhere online. Originally, the anime industry was considering suing everyone who used reaction images into oblivion, but as soon as they noticed all of the “what anime is this?” comments near many of the anime funny faces, it turns out they found free advertising for the shows themselves.

As soon as many studios released again how much impact funny faces could have on their anime (getting people attached to their characters, free advertising in the form of reaction gifs, its fun to draw and animate, etc.) they made sure to provide plenty for their audiences to enjoy. However, what happens to an anime that doesn’t use funny faces?

Maybe it’s a deep, serious drama that can’t see itself using wacky expressions? Perhaps they spent too much of the animation budget on special effects? Or maybe they’re just complete brutes who don’t like people having fun while watching their shows?

Proof that an anime with funny faces is better than one without faces faces.

However, what if an anime is nothing but funny faces? One example would be the soon-to-become-an-actual-anime, Pop Team Epic; It plays with this idea, having it’s main characters faces always look adorable and funny, while engaging in all sorts weird, oddball scenarios, mainly since it’s a comedy series.

Pictured: Pop Team Epic‘s homage to anime’s early Disney roots.

In conclusion, anime funny faces is a time-honored tradition dating back to the 1930s that also still holds up to this very day, and very likely into the future. Everybody loves and relates to them, they’re fun, and they’re an indicator of whether a series is truly good and worth watching, especially as we go further into the digital age; Wherever there’s pictures, there will be anime funny faces!