Introducing: Buttcoin

Hello Buttbuddz fans, today we at Buttbuddz HQ are very excited to introduce you a new business opportunity and a new way to support the Buttbuddz. Back in the old day the only way to support the Buttbuddz was to subscribe to the YouTube, like all our videos, bookmark the blog and donating to our Patreon and supporting our kickstarters, however Buttbuddz fans this will all change.

shiny !

We are honored to introduce the latest in block-chain cryptocurrency technology, the Buttcoin. “But what is a Buttcoin” you might scream out, waking up the neighborhood, but do not fret my friend I will tell all about the buttcoin.

A chart must mean this is legitimate!

As you can see, there are plenty of reasons of supporting Buttcoin. First off, it doesn’t cost money (except the 100 dollar fee to set up your wallet, of course) , but you earn it by being at home watching Japanese cartoons and playing video games. If that’s not easy money, then I don’t know what is. In fact, the true advantage of Buttcoin is that you don’t have to do anything! You will earn Buttcoins doing your favorite things, and then we will spend that Buttcoin for you! That’s right, don’t worry, lean back and relax and invest in Buttcoin today! Support the Buttbuddz! Subscribe!

Didn’t have a third buttcoin image, sorry

Disclaimer: Buttcoin might cause disruption in the bowels, damage your hearing and eyesight, cause significant disruption in your economy and Buttcoin might also cause diabetes, Alzheimer disease and death with improper use.