Goof Troop Review

Hello Buttbuddz fans here’s another article streamed through the airwaves straight into your minds. Today we are going to review the classic anime Goof Troop which was made by The Disney in 199EH.

Ay Caramba!

As all you Buttbuddz fans can see, Goof Troop is a very visually appealing anime. Let us discuss them before we go on to characters. As you can see this anime was drawn by people instead of a computer, so it is very flat looking instead of the full three dimensional look of Donkey Kong Country. Of course, there is room for different looks in art so I give the art at least a couple of Pepsi cans at the end of this review. Keep in mind that Goof Troop isn’t as spectacular eye candy as Donkey Kong Country.

From the arc where Bort returns to the moon, an anime classic

Of course, Goof Troop is all about the characters. This anime is all about Bort Simpsen who is the greatest Mahou Shogun in all of the Goof Troop. In Order to save the world from the evil Peter, he has to uuuhm yeah I’ll let you know about that so don’t you worry about that. Just trust me in that Goof Troop is great anime. Also Goofy is in it.

Dataphoto of the lost Goof Troop episode featuring Garfield

Overall I give Goof Troop 5 Pepsi cans and 0 coke cans as it really is the perfect piece of media that no anime fan can live without. I recommend going to Crunchyflix at Amazon to watch this high quality anime now, it is avivable in 1080p which means it’s crisper looking than life, and that’s pretty dang good.


  • Pros
  • Great Visual
  • Goof Troop
  • Interesting and emotional storyline
  • Good gameplay
  • Cons
  • Doesn’t appeal to non anime fans
  • The anime battle between Goofy and Bort isn’t as well animated as it should have been
ahyuk bort, war never changes

One thought on “Goof Troop Review

  1. Comica December 13, 2017 / 12:36 pm

    “christmas is cancelled because nobody can stop talking about goof troop.” – a guest at nobaddy’s christmas event

    this is an excellent article for an excellent anime. i’d give it a at least entire goof troop out of 3. (as a goof troop must contain 3+ goofs.)


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